Best Ways To Groom Your Pet Dogs And Cats Without Any Hassle
Have you ever considered why grooming is important for your pets, especially dogs and cats? What might be the purpose of grooming your pets?
As we take time to groom ourselves, it is equally important to spend some time grooming your pet dogs and cats. Grooming helps keep their fur coat healthy and shiny and makes them feel happy and nourished. Grooming also helps in diagnosing any underlying diseases so that you can treat them as soon as possible.
Let us delve into this blog to learn about the tips to groom your pet dogs and cats.
Grooming Your Dogs:
Though the grooming needs for every pet will vary, the basic and essential grooming for a dog includes brushing his coat and fur, bathing him, and trimming his nails. Even maintaining oral hygiene by regular brushing of his teeth is also one of the important aspects of grooming. He may also need regular haircuts and trimming depending on the breed.
#1, Bathing:
Bathing removes dirt from your dog’s coat and makes his skin and coat healthier. But, frequent bathing may remove the essential oils, damage hair follicles, cause skin irritation, and increase the risk of bacterial or fungal infection.
Most of the dogs require bathing once in a month or once in every three months. Use a specific shampoo mentioned particularly for dogs and use warm water. The water need not have to be too warm for your dog.
#2, Brushing:
Brushing helps in removing dead and unhealthy hairs from your dog's coat, thereby preventing matting and skin irritations. Brushing also reduces tangles, prevents shedding, and also finds random bunches of hair falling here and there that most pet parents always deal with.
The frequency of brushing varies based on the length and type of your dog’s hair. Longer hairs may need more frequent brushing while shorter hairs need occasional brushing. Some dogs may need daily brushing while others can be ok with monthly brushing.
#3, Nail Trimmings:
A specially designed nail clipper has to be used to trim the nails of your pooch. A rotary trimmer may also serve the purpose but it takes longer. If you aren't comfortable trimming his nails by yourself or your dog cannot tolerate it, then seek the help of professional groomers.
#4, Haircuts:
Discuss with your vets about how often your dog's need a haircut and how the task is done. Each dog has different needs.
Before proceeding for hair cutting, you need to bathe your dog properly with the best quality specialized shampoo and then do towel drying and brushing. Trim the hairs around his face and feet with sharp scissors, and then you can use electric clippers for the rest of the body.
Grooming Your Cats:
Just like dogs, cats also need regular grooming. It consists of bathing, brushing, ear care, nail and paw care, and dental and eye care.
#1, Brushing:
Brushing helps in removing dirt, grease, skin flakes and dead hair from the furry coat of your little cat, and allows in stimulating blood circulation and improving overall skin conditions.
It is better to brush your kitty once or twice a week with a metal comb (you can use either the thick or the thin teeth, whatever works best). These regular brushing sessions are useful as your cat ages and can't groom as frequently anymore.
#2, Bathing:
Like dogs, even many cats hate water, and you'll be happier to know that most cats do not need to be bathed on a regular basis as cats can take care of their own grooming, and only need help if they become so dirty, or get into something sticky.
Use special cat shampoo and warm water to bathe your cat. Avoid the use of hot water. Sometimes your cat hesitates to get bathed, so make sure to close the bathroom door before you start and you can use gloves as well as long sleeved dresses.
#3, Nail & Paw Care:
Examine and clean your cat’s paws regularly and make sure there are no wounds and are free of debris.
Trimming your cat’s nails helps to reduce scratching and prevents the destruction of your soft furnishings. If your cat is unwilling to tolerate nail trimming, spending some time getting him used to his paws being touched (without trimming) can help.
Checkout our Paw Balm for pets
Professional Grooming Services:
If grooming your pet at home becomes too tedious or if you would rather a professional do the job with minimal fuss, consult any professional groomers. You can take your pets to any professional groomers or they can visit your home for grooming your pets.
Final Thoughts:
Grooming your pet dogs and cats is an essential part of their daily routine. It helps them to look healthy and happy. Grooming makes their fur free from any dirt and keeps them clean and fresh.
Read through this blog to know about how to groom your pet dogs and cats without any stress.
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